Saturday, November 29, 2008

Visions of Sugar Plums

One of our traditions that my children love is sleeping by the Christmas tree the night we put it up and every night that isn't a school night until Christmas.
I love taking this picture every year. To me, it symbolizes that our home is decorated, the mess is cleaned up and we are ready to start a month of celebrating.
Happy Holiday Kick Off!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Year 1621 meets 2008

and I quote....
"Mom! Check out this totally awesome pilgrim hoodie my teacher gave me."

Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The stitches come out

After five days, Mitchell was able to get his external stitches out. During this time, Mitchell was a great example of facing a trial with strength and courage. We also realized how many people Mitchell cares about and who care so much about him. We have the best teachers, coaches, family, friends and neighbors!

Mitchell's First Stitches

Mitchell, the boy who skateboards, roller blades, does crazy things on his bike and plays every sport ever known and has never had a broken bone or stitches....until...he used the bathroom at school!!!
There apparently was some unregulated, pressurized air in the pipes, so the top blew off when he flushed and a large piece of porcelain split his forehead open, down to the skull. This is what he looked like after a day at Primary Children's Hospital, doctor's pulling 15 small pieces of porcelain out of his incision, having skull x-ray's, CT's, plastic surgeons and his FIRST stitches.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello friends and family! We're excited to start a blog, a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we count you among that which we are most grateful for. Have a great holiday!

Photography by Carin Davis