I love the relationship between cousins. There aren't the ups and downs that siblings have and unlike friends who come and go throughout life, cousins are permanent and part of an eternal family.

Ellie and 2 of her cousins were born within a few months of each other. They were the first grandchildren (she was the only girl) and they were very close. They enjoyed hours on the trampoline, Easter egg hunts, costume parties on Halloween, pinata parties on New Year's Day and Ellie's favorite, working in grandma's garden together.
When they were in the 3rd grade, the FATEFUL DAY OCCURRED!
It was just after Thanksgiving and we were all together making gingerbread houses. Ellie was working meticulously on her "Victorian Christmas Cottage." The boys started making North Pole battle scenes, which included, but were not limited to, ripping apart marshmallow snowmen, scattering their body parts all over their gingerbread and using all of grandma's red food coloring for the blood. I'll never forget the look on Ellie's face that day. Boys (cousins and the rest of them) had officially become DUMB AND IMMATURE!!

Fast forward six years. Now they are all teenagers and have so much in common. They love to communicate via Facebook, texting and talking about life.

Isn't it nice to see how much they've "matured?"