Mitchell, the boy who skateboards, roller blades, does crazy things on his bike and plays every sport ever known and has never had a broken bone or stitches....until...he used the bathroom at school!!!
There apparently was some unregulated, pressurized air in the pipes, so the top blew off when he flushed and a large piece of porcelain split his forehead open, down to the skull. This is what he looked like after a day at Primary Children's Hospital, doctor's pulling 15 small pieces of porcelain out of his incision, having skull x-ray's, CT's, plastic surgeons and his FIRST stitches.
Poor Mitchell. This story still blows my mind. A total freak thing that you never hear about. I am so glad that Mitchell is ok! What a trooper he is. Also, it is fun to see you blog! It looks great!
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