Lon thought our trip to Craters of the Moon was a lot of fun.
This picture was taken on Memorial Day. It was freezing (each of the kids had on two jackets and a blanket). This was on our way home from spending Memorial weekend in Sun Valley. We froze the entire time, but it was fun.
I might add that on December 1st, Ellie's tennis class was still practicing outside in 60 degree weather. What is wrong here.
Jennifer's pick...the first day of school.
It didn't start out as a great day. Having my baby go to school full time was a hard and sad adjustment. It didn't take me long though to see the benefits:
*My house stays clean most of the day
*I can explore some hobbies and interests that have been waiting
*I can read all of the books that have been on the back burner
*I can regularly go to lunch with Lon and a variety of friends
*Weekly temple attendance with Lon
*I could get ready for Christmas
*I can look forward to things like Christmas break and the time that I do get to spend with our children
Ellie's favorite time of the year was when:
Our family was able to host three girls from Japan during an International Music Festival. They were all her age and became very good friends very fast. We enjoyed our time with them so much!
Mitchell's favorite thing this year (and any other time)
Is spending time with his buddies. How fortunate we are that he has such a great set of friends!
Madelyn's choice was:
Meeting Ellie's Mandarin teacher. She is here from China for a year, teaching. She has become a great friend of our family. She teaches us so many things, including the language. Lon and Ellie can carry on simple conversations. Mitchell and Madelyn have learned a few basic vocabulary words. It took me two months to learn to pronounce her name...she hasn't taught me anything new.
I love that as my children each picked their favorite thing, it wasn't something material that they had received, an award they had earned, or somewhere they had been. The things that stand out to them are the people they have met, who have touched their hearts. Relationships are one of our greatest blessings.
Happy New Year to each of you who touch our lives! We love you!
Loved your photos of your year... mine are all so grainy(sp?). I'm hoping after Carin's class in March I'll have a little knowledge to know what buttons to press and which knobs to adjust! I also think with your family's love for anything Asian you guys should take a little trip abroad. The rest of the family can always translate for you!
What a great idea to post all of your family's favorite things of the year and I love that they picked relationships and not things. Awesome!
What a great idea! It sounds like 2008 was a wonderful year for you all.
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