Friday, March 27, 2009

End of Season

Mitchell's basketball team played their last game tonight. Basketball is one of Mitchell's greatest loves. They were an wonderful team and learned to play incredibly well together. Can't wait for fall and the season to start up again.

I love this one. It shows Mitchell putting his tongue in his cheek. That's how you know he is seriously concentrating. He does it while taking tests, performing a musical piece and in sports. If only I could see that bulging cheek when I was offering my great advice and instruction to him.


Tebbs Family said...

Grayson can hardly wait for next year as well. Hope we can make it work to be on two great teams!

Heather said...

Great photos of Mitchell shooting the basket!

Carin Davis said...

What a great kid...and basketball player!!!!!!! I love the pictures!

Julie Hunt said...

Ah, to see Mitchell in all his glory - love it!