Ellie is not a picky eater, but does have a picky palate and refuses to eat school lunch. Every day I make her a home lunch. Once in a while my mornings are so crazy that I fix it after she goes to school and run by the school to slip it in her locker. Today was one of "those" mornings. I must have been really running behind, because I didn't get to the junior high until lunch had already started. I was trying to stay under the radar while looking for her, when she saw me and ran up to me. (At this point when I was her age, I would have opted to starve before acknowledging that my mother was in the building...sorry mom!) Here is the unbelievable part...in the junior high lunch room, she talked to me for a bit, thanked me for coming, HUGGED me and KISSED me and then shouted "love you mom" as she ran back to her table of friends.
Love her! And I really love that at 14 she still loves me.
These pictures were taken by my favorite photographer, wonderful neighbor and great friend, CARIN DAVIS.
I have to agree that Ellie is a sweetie! They just don't come more beautiful and sweet as she is. Once again, amazing pictures from Carin.
What a sweetie! I can only hope that Whitney does that when she is in middle school. (I too am with you - I would have rather starved than have mom show up at school!)
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